When Everything is Flinging Out of Control and You Can’t Take Your Hands Off the Wheel

When Everything is Flinging Out of Control and You Can’t Take Your Hands Off the Wheel

When was the last time your world felt like it was flying apart? When you knew everything was about to shatter like a glass dropped on tile. Things like – your soul, or heart – the very inmost parts of you.

Only recently have I been able to admit that I tend to over-exaggerate circumstances and what I suppose will be the outcome of a particular situation I’m facing at the moment.

Are you like that?

If you’re a woman, I know there’s some element of your personality that relates. If you’re a man – not so much maybe, although you’re probably not as in touch with what you feel because you’re not wired that way. Thank God. Who would we lean on if everyone was like us?

Even though I’ve reacted to these moments in much the same way all these years, I do want different. So I’m learning to ask myself a few questions in the moment of crisis.

Would you like to know what they are?

One little nugget of wisdom came by way of an ex-sheriff’s deputy. He was describing to a group how he learned to trust the instructor instead of his feelings. Kenny was in training for handling a police car that’s in hot pursuit. The trainees were taken to a raceway and after instruction they drove their vehicles on the track at approximately 110 mph.

As they approached a pronounced curve in the road and felt they were losing control of their vehicle, the specific order was “Take your hands off the wheel.”images

What? That’s insane! It would go against any idea of rational behavior. We tend to grip the wheel tighter when things begin to spin out, don’t we?

And though his mind said, “Don’t do it, you’re crazy,” Kenny trusted his instructor and let go of the wheel. When he did, the car straightened itself out and he was able to take the wheel again. Those who failed to follow this instruction did not fare as well.

Question #1: Is it time to let go of the wheel?

We too have an Instructor and He’s always in control (without being controlling!). There comes that moment for each of us when it’s time to let go so that things can right themselves. Once we hit that curve, gripping the wheel is not going to make for a pretty ending.

Yesterday, after a series of small but upsetting occurrences in the lives of people I love, I felt discouragement sneaking in to level me.

I am tired and grumpy and I just want this day to be over.

Then guilt and shame strangling all hope of me being Christlike. What a trap!

I did all that was in my power to do, mostly pray, and then let go of the wheel. And guess what? Today – just 15 hours later – it’s all straightened out.

Question #2: After I let go, can I wait 24 hours, and then reevaluate?

I see how arrogant it is for me to believe I can turn anything around. “Without Me, you can do nothing.” Words from the Instructor. Believe them. They’ll set you free. We can never accomplish anything independently of the One we’re following.

During this Lenten season, my plan is not to give up chocolate or TV or movies. My prayer is that I can give up the wheel more often. That the life of Christ will be my life. That He will be my life.

If Jesus is the Pattern Son then a close observation of how He conducted Himself daily should give ample behavior to model myself after. Never do I see Jesus rushed, or in a bad mood, or stressed and worried.

Only one conclusion here: Jesus only did what His Father was doing. He took time to listen and then follow the instructions as Kenny did on the road test. Jesus was aware of His father’s presence continuously. He even invited us to copy what He did.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” ~Matthew 11:28-30

Can we do that today – you and I? Can we trust that a loving Guide directs our steps, protects us from evil, supplies our need for this moment?

If we can’t, what possible hope do we have to offer those without Christ?




  1. Cat,

    It’s a balancing act between yielding too much and controlling too much, isn’t it? Right there, in that eye-of-the-needle sliver of space is peace. I love the analogy of the hands on the wheel of an out-of-control car. Super. I’ll keep that with me and hopefully remember to let go at the right times. Thanks for more words of wisdom from my favorite writer chic.

  2. This was awesome, Cathee! Awesome and timely. I am struggling with several “big” things at the moment and, being the “control freak” that I am, I have a death grip on the wheel of my fears, my life. Since I am holding the wheel with every ounce of strength I possess, I SHOULD feel calm and confident, instead I always seem to feel nervous and frazzled-a sure sign that my way is NOT the best way!! -_- I am going to take to heart your words about letting go and resting in the peace of knowing that my Father has no intention of letting my life crash, He is faithful and He can be trusted. <3

  3. Dear Cathee,

    I have just started doing this, and “wow” what a difference it is making. Your Blog gave me confirmation that I am on the right path. Thanks for all your great Blogs, they encourage me so much! Please keep writing.

    Take care & May God Bless,

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