Celebrate Your Creative Self

Celebrate Your Creative Self

by Cathee Poulsen It’s been such a very long time that I’m ashamed to show my face here. I guess plagues have a way of cutting off the faucet to creativity. Unless your name is Sue Riger who has seemed to crank out dozens and dozens of paintings including this one pictured here, which she […]

Living in Holy Uncertainty

Living in Holy Uncertainty

by Cathee Poulsen Holy uncertainty is the capacity to live with a very loose grip – or no grip at all – on our plans and, more important, on the outcomes of our plans, because our security is rooted in a relational connection to God, not in a false sense of control.   ~John Mark […]

How Are You Doing in the Thicket of the Jordan?

How Are You Doing in the Thicket of the Jordan?

by Cathee Poulsen “If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? And if in a safe land you are so trusting, what will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?” Jeremiah 12:5 This Bible verse has long intrigued me. The phrase “the thicket […]
