How Your Worldview Affects Your Vote

With just eight weeks till Election Day, passions are rising, and blood sometimes boiling, over the issues at stake. While I am not qualified as a political analyst or even claim I understand the many-faceted and complicated sides to this year’s presidential election, I do have some observations and comments.

Neither do I have any desire to dissuade you from your convictions if you have sought to be true to yourself and God. I must ask myself, “Do I have the right as a follower of Christ to impose how I believe on everyone else?”


The Place of Worldview

Our worldview informs how we vote. I know my worldview is unpopular today. I still believe the Bible clearly teaches that sex is for a man and woman in a marriage relationship. I believe Jesus upheld the sanctity of life in all His teachings – from the ugliest, demon-filled crazy man, to little children being disrespected by adults. Why would I doubt He would champion the cause of precious unborn babies?

I also agree with Rick Warren that adjusting our beliefs and practices to the culture weakens the church. Rick Warren’s interview with George Stephanopoulos. Whatever standard Christ established for life and godliness is to be our standard.

Our worldview must needs be shaped by Christ – not Republican, Democrat, or anything  in between. Jesus came to reveal the Father. He didn’t come to take sides. He came to take over. He was a true revolutionary.

But what I see happening among believers disturbs me deeply. The closer we get to the election the more we lose our civility towards each other. When I consider the vast amount of times the New Testament talks about us loving one another, I have to ask – Can we walk hand in hand without seeing eye to eye?

Or do we need to win?

It’s quite a different thing to promote our pet causes than it is to allow God’s perspective to shape our belief system. In Jesus’ reality some issues carry more weight than others and these are the things He presented in His premier sermon (Matthew 5, 6, 7) about how we should then live.

He was not primarily a teacher of religion or a devotional speaker. He talked about

  • money
  • sex
  • divorce
  • power
  • attitude
  • fears
  • food and clothing

What frames your convictions? Your view on homosexuality, abortion, gun control, same-sex marriage? These issues are not about a party, but about how we interpret God’s Word and Jesus’ directives.


How Jesus Viewed Government

Jesus never disparaged or invalidated government. He ordained it just as He ordained marriages and the church.

  • Marriage is ordained by God but is every marriage godly, honorable? It depends on how the two married people submit their marriage and themselves to God.
  • Churches are ordained by God, but there are churches that breakdown when it comes to preaching the truth or overseeing their congregations with godly leadership values.
  • Governments are also ordained and established by God, but this is not to say there aren’t wicked governments.

“All of you must be willing to obey completely those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God” Romans 13:1 NIRV.

While this mandate is in the Epistle to the Romans, Jesus validated His position when Pilate asked Him, “Aren’t you going to answer me? Don’t you know I have power to crucify you or to release you?”

Jesus’ answer establishes forever that God sets up government, but not all governments are godly: “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above” (John 19:11). This is just as true for President Obama as it would be for Mitt Romney.

The only time He speaks to Pilate is when Pilate says, “So, I hear you’re a king.” Jesus answers, “I am, but my kingdom is not of this world.”

And that is just the truth I fear we lose sight of.


Our Highest Allegiance

I am an American by birth. A citizen of this earthly “kingdom,” just like the Apostle Paul was a citizen of Rome. But my highest allegiance is not to the United States of America. My greatest obedience is due the real king, for I have an additional citizenship in another realm (Phil. 3:20).

Because that is true, should we look to government as our source for education, medical help, housing, or food. Some of the biggest issues today are about where our resources will come from. Does Christ want us to rely on the government to supply these things? Is that the role of government?

The election of 2008 made sweeping promises of hope and many followed the one who made the promise. The real question comes down to Who is our source of hope? Is that the role of government that the scriptures present?

Jesus had no illusions about political leaders, their motives, or alignments. Neither should we. When the disciples told Him that He should not attempt a stopover in Jerusalem because Herod was seeking to kill him, Jesus said “Tell that fox that I will continue doing what I’ve been called to do – the ministry of the Kingdom of God – and on the third day I’ll reach my goal.”

He had no fear of Herod. His commitment was to a higher authority. He knew what side His matzoh was buttered on, and it is to this realm that He calls for our loyalty when He says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” (Matt. 6:33).

So What Can We Do as Things Crank Up for November 6?

  1. Live a godly life.
  2. Pray – join the thousands praying for one minute at 9 PM every night that God will give us righteous leaders. Is that too much to ask?
  3. Vote your convictions based on God’s Word.
  4. Stop being alarmed by all this.



“The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk. It is a matter of power” (1 Cor. 4:20 NIRV).

“Men ought always to pray and not to faint”  (Luke 18:1).

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened or troubled, for this must take place…” (Matt. 24:6).



  1. This is exactly what I would like to say if I wrote about politics. I am posting it on Facebook and hope it will make people think. This is powerfully written. Hats off to you Cathee.

  2. Well said. It is up to us to establish and uphold truth. Becoming involved in discussion is healthy, but not if it crosses over into an emotional defensive or offensive realm. The truth sets us free. Sometimes finding it takes some digging and some humbling for any party’s members and leaders.

  3. Couldn’t agree more, Cathee. As the election rancor reaches a fever pitch, I find myself quietly humming that old chorus…”This world is not my home, I’m just passing through…” My goal is to live in this world with that reality.

  4. AMEN! Thanks for focusing us on what is most important!

  5. This was well written Cathee. It is up to each of us as individuals to be well-informed, but to stay grounded in the Word of God. Not so easy to be flipped back and forth when we are “well planted”. Hence the peace that passes understanding in the midst of all this turmoil.

  6. Beautifully written & I agree with you 100%. Thanks Cathee!

  7. This year, at age 58, I registered to vote for the first time ever. Found out that day that my civil rights had been restored in 2007. Thank you for this posting… the very reasons God put it in my heart to register to’s never too late.

    • What a beautiful story, Kathy. It’s an honor to vote and I’m so proud of you for reaching this achievement. May God continue to redeem all the locusts have eaten. And He will!!

  8. Hi Cathee, I loved your blog and plan on sending it out to some friends who will appreciate your insights! Since it took me years to find my voice, sometimes God has to work hard for that voice to come out as a Godly one. Yes, my passions rise, my blood boils and I am appalled at the deception, lies and vitriol so I have to run to Him for the peace and to “set my mind on things above” – esp. yesterday with the Lybia and Egypt debacle going on! I did’t know about the prayer at 9PM – thanks! Another good opportunity for prayer is 40 Days of Prayer for America beginning the 28th. They send out daily messages from people like Arterburn, the Senate Chaplain, etc. Thanks, and love ya!

  9. Cathee,
    I love it that you love Bob and he loves you and that God our heavenly Father loves us all. l get ecstatic when I read that Father God spoke out of the clear blue and said of Jesus, This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Hear ye him. I hear Jesus praying that all God’ s children will be one even as he is one with the father. I hear John Lennon singing, You may say I’ m a dreamer but I’ m not the only one. Why don’ t you come and join us and the world will live as one. I can see this happening from my vantage point here in Saigon, Vietnam and God’ s glory is filling the earth. Amen.
    Our loving heavenly father has subjected all his creation to vanity against our will while at the same time he has subjected us all to hope in Jesus Christ who is our hope in glory. We may weep and mourn because of the vanity that plagues us in the night but joy comes in the morning because of our hope in Jesus.

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