Permission to Be Off Schedule

I adore making lists, I have a pen fetish, and there’s never a new Moleskine that doesn’t call my name from the shelf of Barnes & Noble. Time-management has always fascinated me. I’m not sure why, but it probably has something to do with my drivenness and a long-time fantasy that if everything’s tightly scheduled, […]


3 Ways Busyness Robs Your Life

Several years ago, on a Thanksgiving Day afternoon, I came crashing to the cement floor in the garage from the top of a ladder. That was the day I decided to stop being busy. My custom on Thanksgiving afternoon – after the dinner is over, and all the dishes washed and put away—is to take […]

What is the REAL Model of Biblical Womanhood?

What is the REAL Model of Biblical Womanhood?

I hate to be the one to tell you – fellow women friends (and men too) – but we’ve gotten a completely screwed up picture of what Biblical womanhood is all about. Instead of truly understanding the Hebrew definitions of “help mate” and “a virtuous woman,” the Christian culture morphed the whole idea of the […]
